Seven 6 second statements on budget detail smaller companies need to know

Information you need to know from the UK budget 2021.

So seven 6 second statements on relevant budget details for smaller companies:

  1. CBILS ends 31 March replaced by Recovery Loan Scheme available to end of 2021. Upto 6 year duration for loans and 3 years for overdrafts and invoice finance. Government guarantee of 80 per cent. Opens on 6 April.
  2. Furlough and self-employed support extended until September.
  3. Restart grants for shops forced to close. £6,000 per premises for closed non-essential outlets. £18,000 for hospitality and leisure businesses.
  4. “Help to grow” scheme with 50% vouchers off digital productivity tools + 90% funded management programme.
  5. Green Bonds and UK Infrastructure Bank opening in spring helping green economy
  6. Self-employed have a further grant. 80% trading profits February to April, max £7500. Fifth grant May to September (80% where 30% fall in sales otherwise 30%). People that filed tax returns for 2019-20 by 2 Mar are now eligible (extra £600k people).
  7. Corporation tax increases from 2023 to 25% where profits £250k. remain 19% where <£50000 profit. Taper corporation tax from £50k to £250k, there above the rate is 25% tax on profits.
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